The Film Files Club Zine

Film Strips

The space that’s been missing

Welcome to Film Strips, the film zine of our club! Born from the need of carving a space for film enthusiasts that aren’t filmmakers, Film Strips is the place for curators, essayists, critics, artists, and more!

Every issue is carefully curated and edited by our Editor-in-Chief, Santiago Guerra. A strong believer in finding character and inspiration in storytellers and artists, Santiago is a Mexican writer and journalist whose focus spans from theatre to film.

“Nothing about our connection to cinema is as pure and honest as emotions. We dream of films and of making them because of how they make us feel, and because of how those feelings can spark ideas, ignite our imagination, and provoke us just enough to push ourselves to create our own stories.  Inspired by those notions, I wanted to collectively celebrate cinema in its most primal intention: to connect with ourselves and with each other through the irrational and the pure.”

— Santiago Guerra

Our Focus

Film Strips is all about the emotions that films have the power to provoke. As storytellers ourselves, it is vital for us that your work is celebrated and your ideas cherished. Therefore, these are the sections that you’ll find in every issye of our zine:

Behind The Lens

Do you have a project coming along that you want to share? Do you wish to share the process behind what you do?

In this section, we will take a look at artists whose work touches upon interesting themes and sparks important conversations. Each person behind or in front of the camera has stories to tell, and we can’t wait to share them with you.

What’s On

Curious about learning from us? Eager to share your experience on an event with the Film Files community?

In this section, we’re looking at your experiences with our events, film festivals, workshops, and more. Hearing about new things happening in London’s film scene is always refreshing!

The Audience Cut

What films captured your heart? And what films made you cry?

Here, we want to read your essays, reviews, and articles about films and characters that moved you.

Frame By Frame

Now’s your chance to showcase your passion for film! What better to highlight your graphic passion for film than to have you illustrate our covers? The best artworks will be submitted as our cover, and we will tell your story inside the zine. 


Our Guidelines:

Have you written something about film before? (1,000-2,000 words)

Here’s the kind of work we publish in our zine:

Behind The Lens: profiles of filmmakers in every sector. So if you’re a director, a gaffer or anything in between, we’d love to hear about your experience making films and your upcoming projects. It’s your time to be in the spotlight.

Walking the carpet: stories about the film world everywhere: a festival, a workshop, a premiere, etc. Film escapades are always worth telling. 

The Audience Cut: Here, we want to read your essays about films, characters and themes that moved you. Share your love for film with film-lovers.

Want to be published on our website instead? (300-600 words)

This is the type of content we publish:

Film Bonding: did you find your best pal, your partner or your mentor or mentee on set? At a premiere? Or somewhere else? We want stories on how filmmaking started and developed your bond with someone special in your life.

From Screen to Reality: here, we’re looking for stories of films that made you change, as much as the characters in them.

Dear Hero: who inspired you to create films? And what would you say? Write them a letter and send it to us!

Any questions or concerns? Do you have an idea to pitch to us? Reach out to our Editor directly at!

And what about video content?

Yes, we do those too! Share interviews, essays and vlogs about your cinematic experiences and we’ll be happy to consider them.

But what if I hadn’t written/recorded any film content before but I want to?
Fear not! Send us your ideas and we’ll be excited to guide you into writing your first film pieces! Keep in mind that the time of response and to be published will be subject to the idea and how in line it is with our editorial guidelines.

What will the Film Files Club offer me?

We offer a community of film enthusiasts and creatives, exposure on our social media channels and the chance to meet other incredible film artists or makers like yourself.

“We want to connect emerging filmmakers, writers and artists with our content, so we appreciate your contribution.”

Santiago Guerra, Editor in Chief